How to use Command Line tool In Linux

Use the below command to start Xampp. This will start entire Xampp program including Apache, MysqlDB and others.

sudo ./lampp start

starting lampp with terminal

  • To just start the required services refer to the help page of Xampp. It includes options like
    • startapache -> starts only apache server
    • startmysql -> starts mysql
./lampp help

How to Install Xampp in Linux

Xampp is a free and open-source platform that is highly used for PHP development but also comprises a suite of tools like Apache Web Server, MysqlDB, Perl, Filezilla, and much more. This package made it easier to install and set up the Xampp software. It is also available for every major platform like Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

In this article, we will discuss about the step-by-step procedure to install Xampp in Linux-based Operating Systems.

Note: In Linux, xampp is named as lampp denoting “linux” in the starting character so it will be used interchangeably down the article.

Table of Content

  • Steps for Installing Xampp in Linux
  • Using Command Line tool
  • Using GUI Xampp Manager
  • Checking Xampp Server
  • Uninstalling Xampp in Linux

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Steps for Installing Xampp in Linux

Step 1: Download the Installer for Linux....

Using Command Line tool

Use the below command to start Xampp. This will start entire Xampp program including Apache, MysqlDB and others....

Using GUI Xampp Manager

To start the GUI Xampp manager, run the following command....

Checking Xampp Server

Once Xampp is started, open your browser and go to the `http://localhost/` url. A welcome page of Apache server will be displayed....

Uninstalling Xampp in Linux

To Uninstall Xampp, open a new terminal window and move into the installation folder, here the “/opt/lampp” folder. Xampp tool ships with beginner friendly uninstaller executable, so that you don’t have to mess with manual deletion of files and folders. Run the uninstall executable with sudo privilege to initiate the uninstallation process. Use the below command to uninstall the program, make sure you are in the intended directory....


In this article we have seen step by step procedure of installing Xampp, a easy to install suite of software that comes as a single package for Apache server, Maria DB, PHP. We have also seen how to uninstall it incase we need to completely remove the software from the System....