How to use GitHub Desktop In Github

For those who prefer a graphical user interface, GitHub Desktop offers an intuitive way to manage repositories.

Step 1: Open GitHub Desktop and Clone Your Repository (if not already cloned).

Step 2: Add the Upstream Repository :

  • Go to `Repository` > `Repository Settings`.
  • Click on `Remote` and add the upstream repository URL.

Step 3: Fetch and Merge Upstream Changes :

  • Go to `Fetch origin` to fetch changes from the upstream repository.
  • After fetching, go to `Branch` > `Merge into current branch` to merge the changes.

Fetch the latest changes from origin

By following these methods, you can easily keep your forked repository up-to-date with the upstream repository. Choose the approach that best fits your workflow and comfort level.

How to Update or Sync a Forked Repository on GitHub?

When you fork a repository on GitHub, you basically make a copy of the original repository and keep it under your own account. As time goes on, the original repository (known as the “upstream” repository) might receive updates, and it’s important to keep your fork up to date with these changes. This way, you can contribute effectively and avoid any conflicts.

Table of Content

  • Using the GitHub Web Interface
  • Using Command Line
  • Using GitHub Desktop

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