How to use Inline If with Function Calls In Python

In this example, the operation variable is assigned the square function if n is even and the cube function if n is odd. The appropriate function is then called to calculate the result.


def square(x):
    return x ** 2
def cube(x):
    return x ** 3
n = 5
operation = square if n % 2 == 0 else cube
result = operation(n)



Different Ways of Using Inline if in Python

Python offers a concise and expressive way to handle conditional logic in your code by using inline if. Whether you need an essential conditional expression or want to nest multiple conditions, inline can make your code more readable and maintainable. Among these tools is the inline if statement, an invaluable asset for crafting short, yet intuitive, conditional assignments. Also known as the ternary operator or conditional expression, the inline if allows for swift evaluations and assignments based on conditions

Table of Content

  • Different ways of using Inline if in Python
  • Basic Inline if without else
  • Basic Inline Using If -Else
  • Using Inline If with nested
  • Using Inline If in List Comprehensions
  • Using Inline If with Function Calls
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Inline if

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