How to use Math.random() and String.fromCharCode() In Javascript

The Number_random function generates a random number within the specified range using Math.random() and Math.floor(). It logs “Random Number” to the console and returns the generated random number. The Char_random function generates a random lowercase letter by converting a randomly generated number (between 97 and 122) to a character using String.fromCharCode(). It logs “Random Character” to the console and returns the generated random character.

Example: The example below shows how to generate random characters and numbers.

// Function to generate a random number within a specified range
function Number_random(min, max) {
    console.log("Random Number")
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

console.log(Number_random(1, 100));

// Function to generate a random character
function Char_random() {

    // Generate between 97 and 122 (ASCII for lowercase letters)
    const Numtostr = Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + 97;
    console.log("Random Character")
    return String.fromCharCode(Numtostr);


Random Number
Random Character

Generate Random Characters & Numbers in JavaScript

Generate random characters and numbers in JavaScript utilizing Math.random for random numbers and String.fromCharCode() for generating random strings. Combining Math.random and ch.charAt() generates a random mix of characters and numbers within a specified range.

Below are the approaches to Generate random characters and numbers in JavaScript:

Table of Content

  • Random mix of characters and numbers in a String
  • Random characters and numbers

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