How to use Named Stashes in Practice In GIT

Imagine you’re working on a feature branch and need to switch contexts to fix a critical bug. Here’s a step-by-step workflow using named stashes:

  • Stash your current work with a meaningful name:
git stash push -m "feature-xyz-progress"
  • Switch to the bug fix branch:
git checkout main
git checkout -b bugfix-critical-issue
  • Work on and commit your bug fix:
git add .
git commit -m "Fix critical issue"
git checkout main
git merge bugfix-critical-issue
  • Switch back to your feature branch and apply your stash:
git checkout feature-xyz
git stash apply stash@{0}

By naming your stashes, you make it easier to switch contexts and manage multiple lines of work without losing track of your progress.

How to Name and Retrieve a Git Stash by Name?

Git stash is a powerful feature that allows developers to temporarily save changes in their working directory and staging area that they don’t want to commit immediately. By naming stashes, you can organize and retrieve them more easily. Here’s a detailed guide on how to name and retrieve a Git stash by name.

Table of Content

  • Stashing Changes with a Name
  • Listing Named Stashes
  • Retrieving a Named Stash
  • Popping a Named Stash
  • Managing Stashes
  • Using Named Stashes in Practice
  • Conclusion

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Naming and retrieving Git stashes is a straightforward but incredibly useful practice for managing your workflow effectively. By using the git stash push -m “name” command, you can save changes with descriptive names, and by leveraging git stash list and git stash apply stash@{n}, you can easily retrieve and manage these stashes. This technique is particularly valuable in a dynamic development environment where switching between tasks is common....