How to use numpy.arange() In Python

Python numpy.arange() returns a list with evenly spaced elements as per the interval. Here we set the interval as 1 according to our need to get the desired output. 


# Python3 Program to Create list
# with integers within given range
import numpy as np
def createList(r1, r2):
    return np.arange(r1, r2+1, 1)
# Driver Code
r1, r2 = -1, 1
print(createList(r1, r2))


[-1, 0, 1]

Python | Create list of numbers with given range

Given two numbers r1 and r2 (which defines the range), write a Python program to create a list with the given range (inclusive). 


Input : r1 = -1, r2 = 1
Output : [-1, 0, 1]

Input : r1 = 5, r2 = 9
Output : [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Let’s discuss a few approaches to Creating a list of numbers with a given range in Python

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