How to use operators In Python

  • Addition or Subtraction by 1: For integer n you can write 
    • -~n is equivalent to n+1
    • ~-n is equivalent to n-1

This works because the bit flip ~x equals -x-1. This uses the same number of characters, but can indirectly cut spaces or parents for operator precedence.

  • Membership in Set: We write set in Python as S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. To check whether an element e exists in Set S or not we can check the condition as {e}&S 

    Original Code: 

S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
if 5 in S:

Golfed Code: 

S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
if {5}&S:
  • Sibling of AND operator: When we have two boolean or integer values, a and b, if we want to find out if both a and b are true, use * instead of and

    Original Code: 

if a and b:

Golfed Code: 

if a*b:
  • Sibling of OR operator: When we have two boolean or integer values, a and b, if we want to find out if any one from a and b is true or both, use | instead of or

    Original Code: 

if a or b:

Golfed Code: 

if a|b:
  • Use += instead of append: Instead of using append for adding one item to an existing list, we can use += operator. 

    Original Code: 


Golfed Code: 


Note: B, here creates a one-element tuple which can be used to extend A just like [B] in A+=[B]. 

  • Use += instead of extend: Instead of using extend for merging one list into another at the end, we can use += operator. 

    Original Code: 


Golfed Code: 

  • Magical Comparison Operators: We face many situations in which we have to compare a single variable with different values, and generally we defend them by different comparisons and combining them with AND operator. But Python allows us to put all comparison operators in a single line without using the AND operator. 
    Original Code: 
if a>1 and a<10:

Golfed Code: 

if 1<a<10:

Note: We can use this technique for multiple variables also at the same time. 

Original Code: 

if a > 10 and b > 10 and 30 > a and 50 > b:

Golfed Code: 

if 30 > a > 10 < b < 50:

Code Golfing in Python

Code Golf in Python refers to attempting to solve a problem using the least amount of characters possible. Like in Golf, the low score wins, the fewest amount of characters “wins”. 

Python is a fantastic language for code golfing due to backward compatibility, quirks, it being a high-level language, and all the coercion. So, here we will look at some Code golfing techniques in Python language. 

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