How to use Pre-request Scripts In Postman

  • Pre-request scripts are executed before sending a request to Postman.
  • To define a global function using pre-request scripts, navigate to the pre-request script tab of a request or collection.
  • Write the JavaScript function in the editor provided.


// Define a function in the pre-request script
pm.globals.set("function_name", function() {
// Function logic here


// Define a function to generate authentication token
pm.globals.set("generateToken", function() {
// Logic to generate token
return "generated_token";

// Call the function before sending the request
url: '',
method: 'POST',
header: {
'Authorization': pm.globals.get("generateToken")

Steps to implement Pre-request Scripts:

  1. Open Postman and create a new request or collection.
  2. Navigate to the “Pre-request Script” tab of the request or collection.
  3. Write the JavaScript code to define the global function.
  4. Send the request or run the collection.
  5. Check the request output or console for any logs or results generated by the global function.

How to Write Global Functions in Postman ?

Postman, a popular API development tool, offers the flexibility to define global functions that can be reused across multiple requests within a collection. These global functions streamline the testing and automation process by allowing users to encapsulate common logic and share it across requests. In this guide, we’ll explore various approaches to writing global functions in Postman, step-by-step.

We will discuss different approaches to writing global functions in Postman.

Table of Content

  • Using Pre-request Scripts
  • Leveraging Environment Variables
  • Utilizing Collection Variables
  • Defining Functions in Collection Scripts
  • Conclusion

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Writing global functions in Postman enhances productivity by reducing redundancy and promoting code reusability. By leveraging pre-request scripts, environment variables, collection variables, or collection scripts, developers can encapsulate common logic and share it across requests effectively. With this guide, you can harness the full power of Postman’s capabilities for API testing and automation....