How to use Recursive Types In Typescript

Recursive types in TypeScript allow types to reference themselves within their own definition. By recursively traversing nested arrays, we can build a union type that captures all possible values.


type UnionFromArray<T extends any[][]> = T extends [infer U, ...infer Rest] ? (U | UnionFromArray<Rest>) : never;

Example: In this example, we define a type UnionFromArray that takes a nested array as input. It recursively traverses the nested arrays, combining the types of their elements into a union.

type UnionFromArray<T extends any[][]> =
  T extends [infer U, ...infer Rest]
  (U | UnionFromArray<Rest>) : never;

const nestedArrays =
    [1, 2],
    ['a', 'b'],
    [true, false]
type UnionType = UnionFromArray<typeof nestedArrays>;

const exampleValue: UnionType =



How to Create a Union Type from Nested Array in TypeScript ?

TypeScript developers often encounter scenarios where they need to represent a value that could be one of several different types. TypeScript’s union types provide a solution to this problem by allowing variables to hold values of multiple types. However, when dealing with nested arrays, each nested array might represent a different type, making it challenging to create a union type that encompasses all possible values.

There are several approaches to creating a Union type from nested arrays in TypeScript which are as follows:

Table of Content

  • Using Type Assertions
  • Using Conditional Types
  • Using Recursive Types

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