How to use Right Shift Operator In Javascript

This approach uses the right shift operator (>>) to determine if a specific bit is set in a given number.

  • At first we apply (number >> bitPosition) , this operation shifts the binary representation of the number to the right by bitPosition positions.
  • Then we perform (number >> bitPosition) & 1 == 1 , which is used to check if the bit at the specified position in the binary representation of the number is set (i.e., equals 1).

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above approach.

function isBitSetApproach1(number, bitPosition) {
    return ((number >> bitPosition) & 1) === 1;
const num = 5; // 101 in binary
console.log(isBitSetApproach1(num, 0)); 
console.log(isBitSetApproach1(num, 1));
console.log(isBitSetApproach1(num, 2));


Check if a given Bit is Set or Not using JavaScript

Bits in a number are fundamental components of binary representation and each bit in binary has only two states like 0 or 1. With the help of those two bits, we can represent any number in a binary format. And if a bit is to be set if it’s value is 1 otherwise it is not set.

Note: Indexing starts with 0 from LSB (least significant bit) side in the binary representation of the number.


Input: n = 5, bit_position = 1
Output: false

Input: n = 6, bit_position = 2
Output: true

Below are the approaches to check if a given bit is set or not in JavaScript:

Table of Content

  • Using Left Shift Operator
  • Using Right Shift Operator

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