How to use Route Command In Linux/Unix

The Route Command tool helps us display and manipulate the routing table in Linux. Information contained by this is about how network packets should be routed through a network.




This command shows destination, mask, flags, metric, gateway, reference count, and interface. We can also add or delete routes from a network with IP address.

For example: If we have “IP address:” and “Subnet mask = 24” and “gateway (gw) =”


route add -net gw

Network configuration and troubleshooting commands in Linux

Computers are often connected to each other on a network. They send requests to each other in the form of packets that travel from the host to the destination. Linux provides various commands from network configuration and troubleshooting. 

Network Configuration and Troubleshooting Commands in Linux

  • Using Ping (Packet Internet Groper) Command
  • Using nslookup Command
  • Using traceroute Command
  • Using host Command
  • Using netstat Command
  • Using Arp Command
  • Using ifconfig Command
  • Using Dig Command
  • Using Route Command
  • Using Ethtool Command
  • Using Hostname Command

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Computer networks are essential for communication and data transfer between devices and in Linux we get various commands to configure and troubleshoot network-related issues. Commands that we have mentioned in the article are ping, nslookup, traceroute, host, netstat, ARP, Dig, Route, Ethtool, Hostname and ifconfig. With these commands one can fix network problems by diagnosing them....