How to use shapes in ggplot plot In R Language

Now we can plot, scatter plot using the desired shape by putting the pch number at a shape value. We can use these shapes at any place in the R Language where shape vectors are used.

Example: A basic scatter plot with star shape using pch value as 8 


# create sample data frame
xAxis <- rnorm(100)                
yAxis <- rnorm(100) + xAxis + 10 
df <- data.frame(xAxis, yAxis)
# load library ggplot2
# create plot
# use shape argument to shape plot
# points using pch value
ggplot(df,aes(x=xAxis, y=yAxis))+
geom_point(shape = 8)


R plot pch symbols – Different point shapes available in R

In this article, we will discuss Pch that are built-in shapes in the R programming language.

The pch (plot characters) in the R programming language are symbols or shapes we use for making plots. In the R Language, there are 26 built-in shapes that can be used in any graphic work in R Language and can be identified by numbers ranging from 0 to 25. The first 19 symbols are also known as s-compatible vector symbols and the remaining 7 are called the R-specific vector symbols. Characters other than numbers can also be used to specify pch including “+”, “*“,”-“,”.“,”#, “%”, “o”.

When we make a basic scatter plot, by default, it uses a dot to represent data that is pch=16. But we can convert it to any other shape using the desired pch value. Since remembering the pch value for each shape is difficult we can create a plot like the following to get the values of each symbol.

Example: Displaying all pch symbol


# load library tidyverse
# create dataframe of 26 character to
# visualize the 26 characters
df <- data.frame(p=c(0:25)) %>%
            mutate(x = rep(seq_len(ceiling(n()/6)),
                  each = 6,
                  length.out = n())) %>%
# create plot using ggplot function
# shape parameter is used to shape points
ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, shape = p),) +
  scale_shape_identity() +
  geom_point( size = 6, fill = "green")+
# geom_text function is used to label data points
# with pch value
geom_text(aes(x = x - 0.3, y = y,
                label = paste0("pch =",p)), size = 3)


Following are the Pch value for different shapes.

value  shape
0 square
1 circle
2 triangle point up
3 plus
4 cross 
5 diamond
6 triangle point down
7 square cross
8 star
9 diamond plus
10 circle plus
11 triangles up and down
12 square plus
13 circle cross
14 square and triangle down
15 filled square
16 filled circle
17 filled triangle point-up
18 filled diamond
19 solid circle
20 bullet (smaller circle)
21 filled circle blue
22 filled square blue
23 filled diamond blue
24 filled triangle point-up blue
25 filled triangle point down blue

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