How to use the Spread Operator (…) In Typescript

In this approach we are using the spread operator (…) to create a new array with the existing elements of the array and the new object.


let newArray = [...existingArray, newElement];

Example: This example uses Spread Operator to add Object to an Array in typescript.

let products: { name: string, price: number, category: string }[] =
            name: 'Laptop',
            price: 1000,
            category: 'Electronics'
            name: 'Headphones',
            price: 100,
            category: 'Electronics'

let newProduct = {
    name: 'Smartphone',
    price: 800,
    category: 'Electronics'
let newProducts = [...products, newProduct];



{ name: 'Speaker', price: 1000, category: 'Electronics' },
{ name: 'Bluetooth', price: 800, category: 'Electronics' },
{ name: 'Smartwatch', price: 1500, category: 'Electronics' }

Add an Object to an Array in TypeScript

TypeScript allows adding an object to an array that is a common operation when working with collections of data.

Below are the approaches to add an object to an array in TypeScript:

Table of Content

  • Using the push method
  • Using the Spread Operator (…)
  • Using array concatenation (concat)
  • Using Array Unshift
  • Using Index Assignment:
  • Using Array splice() Method

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