V8 JavaScript Engine Impact on Performance

Node.js heavily relies on the V8 JavaScript engine for efficient code execution. Node.js 21 incorporates the latest iteration of V8, bringing performance improvements and optimisations. This can translate to faster application execution times, enhanced responsiveness, and a smoother user experience.

Node.js 21 is here: What’s new

Node.js continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and Node.js 21 is a testament to this commitment. This release offers a variety of improvements catering to developers of all levels. From the long-awaited stabilisation of the Fetch API to the introduction of a built-in WebSocket client, Node.js 21 empowers developers to build efficient, scalable, and real-time applications with greater ease.

In short

  • Node.js 21, the latest release of the popular JavaScript runtime, introduces several new features and improvements.
  • The key updates include an updated V8 engine, the stabilisation of Fetch and WebStreams, and a built-in WebSocket client.
  • These enhancements aim to improve performance, increase efficiency, and introduce new functionalities.

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Node.js 21 delivers a compelling set of features that empower developers to create next-generation applications. From streamlined HTTP requests and real-time communication capabilities to improved module management and testing tools, Node.js 21 offers a holistic development experience. This release signifies the continuous dedication of the Node.js community towards providing a powerful and versatile platform for JavaScript developers....

Frequently Asked Questions – Node.js 21

What’s new in Node.js 21?...