Valletta – Economy

Valletta is not an industrial city but it is a center for commercial and administrative purposes. Valletta Malta tourism is the primary source of income in the city. Also, the city is classified to be an advanced economy and considered a high-economy country by the World Bank. It is also a member of the European Union and since 1 January 2008 has formally adopted Euro as its currency. 

Capital of Malta

Malta is a beautiful, small, and rich European country located in the Mediterranean Sea between Sicily and the North African Coast with its three islands: Malta, Gozo, and Comino island. It is a lightly populated country with a population of around 533,286 in 2022 (as per the latest United States data) and its currency is the Euro. Malta is one of the favorite tourist destinations and film production places due to its warm climate and eye-catching landscape. It is believed that it is the oldest country with lots of old temples, like the Megalithic temple of Malta.

The capital of Malta is Valletta, which is a small walled city, established around the 1500s by the Knights of St.John, a Roman Catholic order.

Now, let’s deeply explore “Where is Valletta Malta on a map”

Valletta is a beautiful fortified capital of Malta which is located on Mount Sceberras, which runs like a tongue dividing the bay into two harbors, Marsamxett harbor to the west and Grand Harbor to the east. On 18 March 1571, Valletta was chosen as the capital of Malta, a fortified city comprising bastions, curtains, and cavaliers with an area of 0.61 square kilometers, making it the smallest capital city of the European Union with a population of around 5730 (2016). The city was named after St Jean Parisot de la Valletta (Grand Master of the order of Saint John). Valletta is known for its 320 monuments and making it a tourist attraction spot, adding to its glory in 1980 it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city provides various high-level education courses to its students and the university of Malta is also situated here. People here on Valletta’s Island usually speak Maltese and English as their communication languages.

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