Value of log 8 in Natural Logarithm (ln)

Natural logarithm, denoted as ln, uses the base e, which is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828. To find the value of log 8 in the natural logarithm, we follow these steps:

  • Recognize that ln represents the natural logarithm.
  • Calculate ln(8) by finding the exponent to which e must be raised to obtain 8.
  • ln(8) ≈ 2.079.

So, value of log 8 in natural logarithm is approximately 2.079.

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Value of log 8| Definition, Value of log 8 in Common Log and Natural Log

Value of log 8: A logarithm is the inverse operation of exponentiation. It helps us find the power to which a base must be raised to obtain a given number. In other words, if we have the equation:

bx = y

Then, the logarithm base b of y is denoted as:

logb(y) = x

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