Variety of Travel Accounts

  • Surviving travel accounts cover a wide range of subjects, including court affairs, religious matters, and architectural features and monuments.
  • For instance, Abdur Razzaq Samarqandi’s detailed description of the city of Vijayanagara in the fifteenth century offers valuable insights into its society and culture.

Through the Eyes of Travellers Perceptions of Society| Class 12 History Notes

Diverse Reasons for Travel: People, both men and women, embarked on journeys for various reasons such as seeking employment, fleeing natural disasters, engaging in trade, serving as soldiers, priests, or pilgrims, or simply being driven by a sense of adventure. Travelers encountered unfamiliar landscapes, customs, languages, and beliefs in the lands they visited or settled, prompting them to adapt or carefully document their observations.

Table of Content

  • Absence of Women’s Travel Accounts
  • Variety of Travel Accounts
  • Domestic Travel Within Empires
  • Enriching Knowledge of the Past
  • Ibn Battuta’s Rihla
  • Francois Bernier

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FAQs on Class 12 History Notes Chapter 5 Through the Eyes of Travellers Perceptions of Society

Who are the three notable Travellers whose accounts contribute to our understanding of the Indian Subcontinent?...