Vedic Age – Time Periods

The Vedic Age (1550–600 BCE) can be divided into two parts, including the Rig Vedic/Early Vedic Age (15000–1000 BCE) and the Later Vedic Age (1000–600 BCE). Rig Veda was the earliest Vedic text, which was created during the early Vedic period. The remaining three Vedas were composed during the later Vedic period. Apart from this, there were some major differences in the nature of society, economy, and polity between these two periods, which we are going to discuss further in this article.

Vedic texts are among the most significant sources of ancient Indian history. These texts contain information about the geographical extent of Indo-Aryans, i.e., how they went from North-West to East India, and a lot of other details. Apart from this, Vedic texts tell us about the socio-economic conditions of that particular period. These texts mention the evolution of the varna system, belief system, transition from a tribal to a centralized polity, and position of women during the Vedic age.

Vedic Age: Religion, Society, Polity, and Economy

The Vedic Age began around 1500 BCE and is believed to be one of the greatest cultures of ancient India. Many historians also call it the ‘age of Aryans (a strict ethnic group). However, the major reason behind naming the era ‘Vedic Age’ is the composition of Vedic texts, which was done during these years. These are among our country’s richest works of literature and are believed to have been composed by Indo-Aryans.

Indo-Aryans can be defined as a subgroup of people speaking Indo-European languages. There are numerous theories associated with the origin and invasion of the Aryans. The Aryan invasion is also believed to be a possible reason for the decline of the IVC; however, there is no strict evidence supporting this. Read below this comprehensive article to learn more about the religion, society, polity, and economy during the Vedic Age.

Table of Content

  • Vedic Age – Time Periods
  • Religion of Vedic Period
  • Society of Vedic Period
  • Economy of Vedic Age
  • Polity of Vedic Period
  • FAQs on Vedic Age’s Religion, Society, Polity, and Economy

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Vedic Age – Time Periods

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FAQs on Vedic Age’s Religion, Society, Polity, and Economy

1. What was the position of women during the early Vedic age?...