Vedic Maths Sutras

The sixteen sutras (word-formulas), and thirteen sub-sutras that constitute the foundation of Vedic mathematics each offer precise solutions for a variety of mathematical problems.These approaches are applicable to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as other mathematical operations.

Here are all the main Sutras (word-formulae) and sub-Sutras from Vedic Mathematics discussed below:

Vedic Maths Main Sutras

There are sixteen main sutras in Vedic Maths. These Vedic Maths Sutras are discussed below in the tabular form.






Ekadhikena Purvena

By one more than the one before

This Sutra simplifies squaring numbers close to base values


Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah

All from 9 and the last from 10.

A powerful technique for subtraction, especially useful when dealing with numbers close to multiples of 10.


Urdhva Tiryak

Vertically and Crosswise.

This Sutra streamlines multiplication, especially useful for multiplying large numbers.


Paraavartya Yojayet

Transpose and adjust

This technique aids in simplifying complex mathematical problems involving equations and variables.


Shunyam Saamyasamuccaye

When the sum is the same, that sum is zero.

An effective approach for solving algebraic equations with equal sums on both sides.


Anurupye Shunyamanyat

If one is in ratio, the other is zero

This Sutra is indispensable for solving proportionality problems.


Yavadunam Tavadunikritya Varga Samam

Whatever the extent of its deficiency, lessen that deficiency to form a square

Simplifies division and finding square roots.



By mere observation

A technique that encourages quick, intuitive solutions based on patterns and observations.



By addition and by subtraction

This Sutra offers techniques for both addition and subtraction, enabling quick calculations



By the completion or non-completion.

This Sutra aids in finding fractions and complements, simplifying various mathematical operations.



Differences and Similarities

Useful for problems involving ratios and proportions



Partial Products

This Sutra facilitates the multiplication of large numbers by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts



Specific and General

This Sutra helps in solving problems where a specific value is derived from a general one


Yavadvividham Vyashtih

Separately the particular from the general

This Sutra is handy for finding individual components from a group



Collective addition.

Useful for quick summations, especially when dealing with a series of numbers


Ekanyunena Purvena

By one less than the previous one

This Sutra provides a technique for division and helps in finding quotients efficiently

Sub-Sutras of Vedic Maths

Vedic maths tricks are also known as sub-sutras or corollaries. They are derived from the main sutras and provide additional methods or shortcuts to solve problems faster and easier. There are 13 sub sutras. These sub sutras are discussed below in the table.







The last digit remains the same

This sub-Sutra aids in quickly determining the last digit of a product.



The last two of the last

Useful for solving problems where the last two digits are required.


Ekaadhikena Purvena

One more than the previous

This sub-Sutra extends the “Ekadhikena Purvena” technique for squaring numbers closer to the base


Paravartya Sutra

Transposition and adjustment

Helps in solving linear equations and balance problems



Differences and Similarities

Offers additional methods for solving ratio and proportion problems.



The product of the sum

Useful for solving problems involving the product of two sums.


Gunita Samuccayah

The product of the sum is the sum of products

Aids in simplifying algebraic expressions.


Yavadunam Tavatirekena Varga Yojayet

By one less than the one so much is the square

Provides an alternative approach for finding squares.



The last digit is as it is

Useful for quick calculations involving the last digit of numbers



On the last two digits

Enables efficient calculations when focusing on the last two digits.


Ardhasamuccayah Samuccayoh

The sum of the half-sums is the sum

A technique for adding fractions with common denominators


Ekanyunena Sesena

One less than the one followed by the last

Facilitates quick division.


Sesanyankena Caramena

The last by the last, and the ultimate by one less than the last

A technique for division, especially when dealing with recurring decimals.

These Sutras and sub-Sutras together constitute the comprehensive system of Vedic Mathematics, offering a multitude of strategies and techniques for mental calculations and problem-solving. Mastery of these principles can significantly enhance one’s mathematical prowess and efficiency.

What is Vedic Maths? – Tips and Tricks

Vedic Maths is an interesting old mathematical process that employs a novel way of doing complicated computations, making them faster and more exact. This is an ancient wisdom-based technique that transforms the complex calculations of numbers into an easy process. These processes have been mentioned in ancient Vedas by the then saints. Hence, the name is given as “Vedic Maths”

In this article, we will learn about the world of Vedic Mathematics, find some of its key techniques, and explore its origin and history. We will also, learn the Vedic Maths Sutras and Subsustras which are also called Vedic Maths Formulas, and their applications in solving practical problems.

Table of Content

  • What is Vedic Maths?
    • Vedic Maths Meaning
  • History of Vedic Mathematics
  • Vedic Maths Sutras
    • Vedic Maths Main Sutras
    • Sub-Sutras of Vedic Maths
  • Advantages of Vedic Maths
  • Strategies for Enhanced Mental Calculations
  • Vedic Maths Examples
  • Division Tricks
  • Subtraction Tricks
  • Multiplication Tricks
  • Practice Questions on Vedic Maths

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