View HTML Source Code

While checking a web page, you might want to see the HTML code behind it. Here we will see how you can view HTML source code for the entire page or a specific element.

1. View HTML Source Code of Entire Page

  • To view the source code of a webpage press ctrl + u on the page, or right-click on the page and select the “view page source” option.
  • This will open a new tab that shows the HTML source code for that entire page.

2. Inspect an HTML Element on a Page

  • To check the HTML code for a specific element on a page, right-click on the page and select the “Inspect” option.
  • This lets you see the HTML and CSS behind that element. You can also try making changes and see the changes.

HTML Basics

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for creating Websites. It is used to describe the structure of a Web page. HTML consists of elements that tell the browser how the content is displayed on the screen. We’ll walk you through fundamental HTML examples and teach you how to create a webpage. This HTML Basics covers fundamental HTML examples.

In this guide, the basics of HTML include learning HTML tags ( <h1>, <p>, <img>, etc), attributes, elements, and document structure which collectively form a working web page.

Table of Content

  • Basic HTML Document
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraph and Break Elements
  • HTML Horizontal Line
  • HTML Images
  • View HTML Source Code

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Basic HTML Document

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