Vim Editor

Vim is a popular text editor program used on Linux and other Unix operating systems. It is an improved and updated version of the old vi editor. While vim looks basic, it is actually a very powerful tool for editing files efficiently, especially for programmers and developers. What makes vim unique is that it has different “modes” for different tasks like navigating files, editing text, and running commands. This modal approach with keyboard shortcuts allows very fast and precise text editing once you learn it. Though vim has a learning curve at first, many Linux users prefer it over regular text editors because it provides more control and capabilities through its modes and key combinations. Vim also supports adding extra features through plugins.

  • Go to normal mode by hitting Esc
  • To delete a single line, type “dd”
  • To delete multiple lines, type “nd” where n is the number of lines (e.g. 5d deletes 5 lines)
  • To delete a range of lines, type “x,yd” where x is start line and y is end line (e.g. 5,8d)
  • From normal mode, enter insert mode by typing “i” to insert before the cursor
  • Or type “a” to insert after the cursor position
  • Or type “o” to start a new line below in insert mode
  • Hit Esc to go back to normal mode when done inserting
  • To save, go to normal mode and type “:w” then hit Enter
  • To quit, type “:q” and hit Enter
  • To save and quit, type “:wq”
  • To force quit without saving, type “:q!”
  • Go to normal mode
  • To search, type “/pattern” where pattern is the text to find, hit Enter
  • To replace, type “:s/pattern/replacement” where replacement is the new text
  • Add “g” to replace all, like “:s/pattern/replacement/g”
  • Normal – For navigation and manipulating text
  • Insert – For inserting new text
  • Command – For running Vim commands (e.g. :q to quit)
  • Visual – For selecting blocks of text
  • Replace – For overwriting existing text
  • Operator-pending – For operating on areas of text
  • Go to normal mode
  • Type “:set number” to enable line numbers
  • Or “:set nonumber” to disable line numbers
  • Go to normal mode
  • Move cursor to start of text to highlight
  • Type “v” to start character-wise visual mode
  • Use movement keys to select/highlight the desired text
  • Buffers are temporary storage areas for files you have open in Vim
  • You can have multiple buffers open at once
  • Use “:ls” to list open buffers
  • Switch between buffers with “:bn” for next or “:bp” for previous
  • Go to normal mode at start of lines to comment
  • Type “Ctrl+v” to enter visual block mode
  • Move cursor to cover desired lines to comment
  • Type “I” (uppercase i) to enter insert mode
  • Type the comment characters (like # or //)
  • Hit Esc to apply commenting to selected lines
  • From normal mode, type “G” to jump to the last line of the file
  • Or type “Ngg” where N is the line number to go to
  • For example, “20gg” goes to line 20

Linux Text Editors

For Linux users, text editors are essential tools that play a crucial role in various tasks, from coding and writing to system administration and configuration management. Linux offers a wide range of text editors, catering to different preferences and use cases. In this article, we will delve into the world of Linux text editors, exploring their features, strengths, and popular choices among the community.

Mostly Used Text Editors in Linux

  • Vi Text Editor
  • Vim Editor
  • Nano Editor
  • Kate Editor
  • Sublime Editor
  • Atom Editor
  • Emacs Editor

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In conclusion, the world of Linux text editors offers a diverse array of options tailored to suit various preferences and requirements, ranging from the traditional modal approach of Vi and Vim to the user-friendly interfaces of Nano and graphical editors like Kate, Sublime Text, Atom, and Emacs. Whether for coding, writing, or system administration tasks, Linux users have access to a rich ecosystem of text editors equipped with features such as syntax highlighting, search and replace functionality, customizable interfaces, and integration with version control systems. With each editor offering its own strengths and capabilities, users can find the perfect fit for their editing needs within the Linux environment....