Ways and Means of Consumer Protection

The following ways or means can help in achieving the objectives of consumer protection:

1. Self Regulation by Business

The business environment in today’s world is so competitive that business firms have realised that it is in their own long-term interest to serve the customers better. For this, various socially responsible business firms follow ethical and fair trade practices in order to protect the interests of consumers. Besides, some firms have also set up customer grievance and service cells to redress the problems of customers. 

2. Business Associations

A code of conduct has been laid out by business associations, like the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), providing guidelines to be followed by the members while dealing with consumers. 

3. Consumer Awareness

Consumer awareness is essential for the customers as an educated and well-informed consumer can better raise his/her voice against the injustice to them or any unfair trade practices, or exploitation. Therefore, a consumer must be aware of his/her rights, reliefs, and responsibilities available under the Consumer Protection Act. 

4. Consumer Organisations

Educating consumers regarding their rights and responsibilities is essential to protect their interests. For this, various consumer organisations, like Common Cause or VOICE play a crucial role by educating consumers and providing protection. These organisations also fight against the unfair trade practices and malpractices of businesses in order to provide relief to consumers. 

5. Government

Different legislations have been framed by the Government of India for the protection of the consumers. The most important legislation among these is the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Under this act, there is a three-tier redressal agency for the redressal of consumer grievances. The three-tier redressal agencies include District Commission, State Commission, and National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission. 

Consumer Protection: Meaning, Importance and Means

The Consumer Protection Act 1986 was replaced by the Consumer Protection Bill 2019, which was introduced by the minister of food and public distribution, and consumer affairs Mr Ram Vilas Paswan in the Loksabha. The Bill was introduced on July 8, 2019. The basic aim of the Consumer Protection Act 2019 is to protect and promote the interest of consumers through inexpensive and quick redressal of their grievances. The Act is applicable in India and to all business types whether they are traders or manufacturers or whether they are supplying goods or providing services (also including e-commerce firms). 

According to the Consumer Protection Act 2019, a Consumer is a person who buys any goods or avails any services for a consideration, which has been paid or promised to pay, or partly paid or partly promised, or under any scheme of deferred payment. A consumer also includes a person who is using the goods or beneficiary of service with the approval of the buyer and applies to both online and offline transactions through electronic means of teleshopping or direct selling or multilevel marketing. 

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