Ways to Pass an Argument in GraphQL

Below are some different ways through which we can pass arguments. Let’s understand some important methods to pass arguments are as follows:

1. Inline Arguments

Inline arguments are the most common way to pass arguments in GraphQL queries and mutations. We simply include the arguments directly in the field or mutation name.

For example:

query {
user(id: "123") {

Explanation: This query retrieves the name and email fields for a user with the ID “123”. The query uses an inline argument to specify the ID of the user to fetch.

2. Variable Arguments

GraphQL allows us to use variables to pass arguments, which is particularly useful when the arguments are dynamic or need to be reused. we will define variables in the query or mutation operation and then pass them in a separate variables object.

For example:

query GetUser($userId: ID!) {
user(id: $userId) {

// Variables
"userId": "123"

Explanation: This query uses a variable ($userId) to fetch a user with the specified ID. The user field takes the $userId variable as an argument and returns the user’s name and email.

The query is executed with the provided variables object, where "userId": "123" assigns the value "123" to the variable $userId.

3. Default Arguments

We can define default values for arguments in our schema, which are used if the argument is not provided in the query or mutation. This allows us to create more flexible APIs without requiring clients to provide every argument. For example:

type Query {
user(id: ID = "defaultId"): User

Explanation: This schema defines a Query type with a user field that takes an optional id argument of type ID, defaulting to "defaultId".

The user field returns a User type object. If no id argument is provided, the default value "defaultId" is used.

4. Enum Arguments

Enums in GraphQL allow us to restrict the values that an argument can have. This is useful when we want to limit the possible values for an argument to a specific set of options.

For example:

enum UserRole {

type Query {
users(role: UserRole): [User]

Explanation: This GraphQL schema defines an enum called UserRole, which can have two possible values: ADMIN and USER.

The Query type has a users field that takes a role argument of type UserRole. It returns an array of User objects based on the specified role

5. Input Object Arguments

Input objects allow us to pass complex arguments to queries or mutations, grouping related arguments together. This is useful when we have a set of arguments that are commonly used together.

For example:

input UserFilter {
name: String
age: Int

type Query {
users(filter: UserFilter): [User]

Explanation: This GraphQL schema defines an input type called UserFilter, which can be used as an argument to filter users based on their name and age.

The Query type has a users field that takes a filter argument of type UserFilter and returns an array of User objects based on the specified filter criteria.

6. List Arguments

We can pass lists of values as arguments in GraphQL, allowing us to fetch or modify multiple items at once.

For example:

query {
users(ids: ["1", "2", "3"]) {

Explanation: This GraphQL query fetches users with IDs “1”, “2”, and “3” and returns their names and emails. The users field takes a list of IDs as the ids argument and retrieves the specified users’ information.

7. Directives

Directives in GraphQL allow us to conditionally include or exclude fields or fragments based on certain conditions. While not strictly an argument-passing mechanism, directives can be used to control the behavior of queries and mutations based on arguments.

For example:

query {
user(id: "123") {
friends @include(if: $includeFriends) {

// Variables
"includeFriends": true

Explanation: This GraphQL query fetches the name and email of the user with ID 123“. It also includes the user’s friends’ names if the variable $includeFriends is set to true.

The @include directive is used to conditionally include the friends field based on the value of the variable. In this case, the friends field will be included because the variable $includeFriends is set to true.

What are Different Ways to Pass an Argument in GraphQL

GraphQL, a query language for APIs, provides a range of methods to pass arguments enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of data retrieval and modification. Understanding these methods is important for developers to enhance full potential of GraphQL in building robust and scalable APIs.

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