Web Applications

A web application is software that runs on a server and is rendered by a client browser that accesses all of the application’s resources through the Internet.

A typical web application consists of the following components:

  • Client: A client refers to the user interacting with the server by sending out requests.
  • Server: The server is responsible for receiving client requests, performing appropriate tasks, and returning results to the clients. It bridges the front end and the stored data, allowing clients to perform operations on the data.
  • Database: A database is where a web application’s data is stored. The data can be created, modified, and deleted depending on the client’s request.

VPS servers offer base capabilities and environments to integrate Node.js apps with developer tools and APIs. Hostinger’s VPS gives you more control and flexibility over your hosting environment and offers you much more than you are paying for. It has a template built for Node.js – Ubuntu 22.04 with Node.js.

This makes it super easy and swift to start. It also comes with an OpenLiteSpeed server. Besides, they also offer a CloudPanel template which allows Node.js application creation, making it easier to start and manage Node.js apps. With a slick, easy-to-use interface, you can figure everything out quickly even with no experience with VPS.

It has 4 active plans tailored to meet different requirements: KVM1, KVM2, KVM4, KVM8 ranging from ₹499/mo to ₹1829/mo. Its KVM2 plan is cheapest and most popular amongst those running small applications.

Node.js Web Application Architecture

Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform mainly used to create I/O-intensive web applications such as chat apps, multimedia streaming sites, etc. It is built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

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