Werner Coordination Theory

Werner postulated the following theories regarding Coordination Compounds after his study:

  • In a coordination compound, the metal atom exhibits two types of valencies namely primary valency and secondary valency.
  • Primary Valencies are ionizable and satisfied by negative ions
  • Secondary Valencies are non-ionizable and satisfied by neutral atoms or negative ions
  • The Secondary Valency is equal to the Coordination Number and is fixed for a metal.
  • The ions or atoms attached via Secondary Valency to the metal have a characteristic spatial arrangement and hence give definite shape to the coordination compound. Such arrangements are called Polyhedra.
  • The Coordination Compounds of Transition Metals generally exhibit Tetrahedra, Octaderal, and Square Planar geometry.

Since Werner’s Coordination Theory talks about Primary or Secondary valencies also known as Primary and Secondary Linkages, let’s learn about them in detail.

Werner’s Theory

Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds was proposed by a Swiss Chemist Alfered Werener in 1898. Werner studied the physical, chemical, and isomeric properties of several coordination compounds and postulated some theories.

In this article, we will learn about, Werner’s Coordination theory, its postulates, and others in detail.

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