What are Adjacent Angles?

Adjacent angles are a pair of angles that share a common vertex and a common side but do not overlap.

In other words, they are angles that are side by side and share a vertex. For example, if you have two intersecting lines, the angles formed on one side of the intersection are adjacent angles. They share the intersection point as the vertex and the intersecting line as the common side.

Properties of Adjacent Angles

Some common properties of adjacent angles are:

  • Adjacent angles have the same vertex, meaning they share a point where their sides meet.
  • Adjacent angles share one side, which forms the boundary between them.
  • Adjacent angles do not overlap each other. They are distinct angles with separate measures.
  • When two adjacent angles share a common side, and their other sides form a straight line, they are called a linear pair.
  • Depending on their relationship, adjacent angles can be complementary or supplementary angles.

Examples of Adjacent Angles in Real Life

Adjacent angles are one of the many types of angles defined in geometry. They can be observed frequently in our day-to-day lives, from the opening of doors to the arrangement of book pages to the folding of paper. In this article, we explore the presence of adjacent angles in real-life scenarios.

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FAQs on Adjacent Angles

Define adjacent angles....