What are Applications of Sulphuric Acid in Real Life

Sulphuric Acid is very important in chemical industry and it has wide range of applications. Some of the applications of sulphuric acid is as listed below.

Industrial Manufacturing

Sulphuric acid is the backbone of industrial manufacturing, serving as a catalyst, reactant, or solvent in a plethora of processes across diverse sectors. Its applications span from fertilizer production to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, highlighting its indispensable role in modern industry. In the sector of fertilizer production, sulphuric acid facilitates the conversion of phosphate rock into phosphoric acid, a vital component in agricultural fertilizers. Additionally, it acts as a catalyst in the sulfonation process, enabling the production of surfactants crucial for detergent manufacturing.

Petroleum Refining

The petroleum industry heavily relies on sulphuric acid for various refining processes aimed at extracting valuable fuels and chemicals from crude oil. One of its primary applications lies in the alkylation process, where it catalyzes the reaction between olefins and isobutane to produce high-octane gasoline. This process not only enhances fuel efficiency but also reduces harmful emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Battery Manufacturing

Lead-acid batteries an important component in automotive and industrial applications, rely on sulphuric acid as an electrolyte to facilitate the chemical reactions necessary for electricity generation. This electrolyte solution enables the flow of ions between the battery’s electrodes, powering vehicles, backup systems, and various industrial equipment. The widespread adoption of lead-acid batteries underscores the indispensable role of sulphuric acid in supporting modern transportation and infrastructure development.

Metal Processing

Sulphuric acid finds extensive use in metal processing operations, including metal pickling and electroplating, where it plays a vital role in enhancing the quality and functionality of metal products. In metal pickling, sulphuric acid removes oxide scales and rust from metal surfaces, preparing them for subsequent processing steps such as machining or coating. Additionally, it serves as an electrolyte in electroplating, facilitating the deposition of metal coatings onto substrates, thereby improving corrosion resistance and aesthetics.

pH Regulation in Water Treatment

Water treatment facilities rely on sulphuric acid for pH regulation, ensuring optimal conditions for various treatment processes aimed at providing safe and clean drinking water to communities. By adjusting the acidity or alkalinity of water, sulphuric acid optimizes conditions for coagulation, flocculation, disinfection, and other treatment processes, thereby supporting public health and environmental conservation efforts.

Chemical Synthesis

Sulphuric acid plays a crucial role in chemical synthesis processes, serving as a catalyst or reactant in various reactions. It is commonly used in the production of chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and synthetic polymers. Its ability to promote chemical reactions and facilitate product formation makes it a valuable asset in the chemical industry.


Sulphuric acid stands as backbone of modern industrial processes, driving innovation and progress across various sectors. Its versatility in applications ranging from industrial manufacturing to environmental protection underscore its indispensable role in supporting socioeconomic development. Moreover, addressing common queries regarding its production, safety considerations, household applications, environmental impact, and pharmaceutical relevance provides a holistic understanding of sulphuric acid’s significance. As we continue to advance technologically and environmentally, sulphuric acid remains play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future.

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Uses of Sulphuric Acid

Sulfuric acid is a highly reactive chemical. It is used in many industries like lead-based automobile batteries. The production of various chemicals, glue, and explosives, the refinement of petroleum, the curing of metal, etc. Hence, due to these wide applications, it is referred to as the “King of Chemicals“. The chemical formula for Sulfuric or Sulphuric Acid is H2SO4. In this article, we will understand the multifaceted applications of sulphuric acid which offers a glimpse into its profound impact on various aspects of our daily lives.

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