What are Common App Store Rejection Issues and Solutions?

To Approve an Application on the App Store without getting Rejected, the following guidelines should properly be used. Here, we will discuss some Common Rejection Issues of the anApp Store along with its solutions.

Issue 1: Violating App Store Guideline

One of the major problems is the App Store Guideline Problem. Oftentimes, the developer submits the Application Request without knowing the Guidelines of the App Store. This will ultimately reject the Application Submission Request. However, this kind of issue is now reducing day by day.

Solution of the Problem:

Issue 2: User Interface Problem

After the App Store Guideline, the second point where most of the application gets rejected is the User Interface of Application Issue. In this case, the User Interface is not that much of attractive for any users. If the application is not an attractive one, no user is going to Install Application on iOS.

Solution of the Problem:

  • Put Simple, Consistent & User-Friendly Design.
  • Conduct more Testing on User Interface.
  • Check if there is any Non-Functional Button or Broken Link present.

Issue 3: Performance & Stability Problem

Performance Issue is another issue that should be noted. If you have developed any application without investing proper time, no doubt the application will not give proper stability to the users. If any application crashes more frequently on all the devices, it is more possible that the App Store will Reject that Application.

Solution of the Problem:

  • Optimize your Application’s Performance to some more folds.
  • Check if there is any Memory Leak Problem that exists.
  • Use some Debugging Tools to identify some bugs in the application.

Issue 4: Privacy & Security Problem

Privacy & Security are the two most important things users check before the Installation of any Application. If your developed application can’t handle user data properly or there is some absence of a Privacy Policy, then your Application Request will surely be rejected. Also, the Security Viewpoint plays an important role.

Solution of the Problem:

Issue 5: Improper Application Description

On the App Store, it will not be a good deed to input improper information with your application. If you add something improper to your application, the Application Request will be rejected. If you have used Old Application Screenshots or Screenshots of other Applications, the same fate you can also meet in the future.

Solution of the Problem:

  • Use proper application Metadata while submitting the app.
  • Always update the Feature with new App Updates.
  • Use the latest Screenshots of the application, after any update.

Issue 6: Inappropriate Application Content

The application content also matters & checked before Publishing Application on the App Store. If there is any Offensive Content is included in the application, it might be rejected by the App Store Authority. Also, if there is Explicit or Violent Content (Other Than Games), Hate Speech, etc. the app might be rejected.

Solution of the Problem:

  • Review your application content before submitting.
  • If necessary, put the Age Restriction there.

Issue 7: Problem with Platform-Specific Requirements

Along with all the above issues, you have to also look for some Platform-Specific Requirements Problems as well. In each platform including the Apple App Store, there are certain requirements are present. Like, there are Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) that you have to follow.

  • Learn about the Platform-Specific Design Guidelines.
  • Use Platform-Specific APIs carefully.

Issue 8: Lack of Functionality of Application

Whatever the target of the application, you have fixed, if your application fails to achieve it in real, then the Application will be rejected. Also, there are some general actions present for all applications. Your app should also have to pass it. Otherwise, it can be rejected.

Solution of the Problem:

  • Make the application that will only focus on its purpose.
  • Be sure that the application is providing Unique Features.

Issue 9: Problem with Advertising Policies

In your application, if you have displayed something wrong that breaks the Advertising Policy, then your application will be rejected. Suppose, if there are Deceptive Ads, Click Fraud Processes, or Prohibited Content, then be sure that your application will be rejected as the Advertising Policy is broken.

Solution of the Problem:

  • Always use Reputable Ad Networks only.
  • Also, monitor the Ad Performance on the application.

Issue 10: Less Maintenance Support

Once the application is developed, your task is not completed there. While submitting the Application Publishing Request, there should be some information about its Maintenance Support. If the details are not there, the App Store will assume that the application will not be updated in the future.

Solution of the Problem:

  • Create a Channel to get Feedback from users.
  • Tend Regularly Update the app.

What are Common App Store Rejection Issues and Solutions?

If you have developed any application with your hard work, you should want to Submit & Publish on the App Store to get global recognition. And nobody wants App Rejection from the App Store as it is very disappointing.

If you want your developed application should be Published on the App Store without Rejection, you have to maintain some tricks. This article will discuss some Common App Store Rejection Issues & Its Solution.

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