What are HTML color codes?

HTML offers various methods for specifying colors, with two of the most popular options being color names and hexadecimal (hex) codes. let’s discuss this in details:

Color Names:

HTML supports around 140 predefined color names. These names are easy to remember and use, making them a good choice for basic color needs. Here are some common examples:

  • Red: #FF0000
  • Green: #00FF00
  • Blue: #0000FF
  • Black: #000000
  • White: #FFFFFF
  • Yellow: #FFFF00
  • Purple: #800080
  • Gray: #808080
  • Orange: #FFA500

Hex Codes:

Hex codes represent colors using a 6-digit hexadecimal value preceded by a hash (#). Each pair of digits specifies the intensity of red, green, and blue components (ranging from 00 to FF). Here’s the format:

  • RR: Red component (00 to FF)
  • GG: Green component (00 to FF)
  • BB: Blue component (00 to FF)

For example, the hex code for red is #FF0000 (FF for maximum red intensity, 00 for no green and blue).

HTML Color Codes

HTML Color Codes is a complete library of all Colors that can be used in HTML with their color name, HEXA Code, RGB Code, and HSL Code.

With HTML Color Codes, you can easily integrate these colors directly into your HTML or CSS code, enhancing the visual appeal of your website.

Did you know? Most modern browsers support up to 140 Named Colors, making it even easier to implement color schemes seamlessly. Here, we’ve compiled a detailed list of All HTML Colors, categorized by Name, HEXA Code, RGB, and HSL representations.

This guide gives you everything you need to know about HTML color codes. Find the right colors for your website with:

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