What are Johads and Khadins

Khadins and Johads are age-old systems of rainwater harvesting primarily employed in India. These are some strategies used in ancient india (mostly) to save rainwater by making some structures on the ground so that water will be stored in them and can be utilized when there is an urgent need for water or water scarcity. Johads are usually constructed in low-lying areas where water can accumulate naturally. whereas Khadins, on the other hand, are rainwater harvesting structures built in Gujarat.

Johads and Khadins are the following:

1. Johads

Johads are small earthen check dams which capture and conserve rainwater, improving percolation (It is the process by which water moves downward through the soil under gravitational forces.) and groundwater recharge. These are spread across more than 650 villages in Alwar district, Rajasthan.

2. Khadin

Khadin is an innovative construction designed to harvest surface runoff water for agriculture. Its main feature is (100-300 m) long earthen dam built across the lower hill slopes lying below gravelly uplands. Channels and spillways allow excess water to drain off.

What are Johads and Khadins ?

Johads and Khadins: The Johads and Khadins are traditional water conservation structures found in many States of India. The value of water, especially in regions with light rainfall, cannot be exaggerated. The absence of water has been a big problem in the history of India. Khadins and Johads are age-old systems of rainwater harvesting primarily employed in India.

In this Article, We have explained What Johads and Khadins. Difference Between Johads and Khadins, States, Notes, PDF for Class 10. and also Johads and Khadins in Hindi.

Let’s Understand it in detail.

What are Johads and Khadins ?

Table of Content

  • What are Johads and Khadins
  • Attributes of Khadins
  • Attributes of Johads
  • Examples of Khadins and Johads
  • Difference between Johads and Khadins
  • Applications of Khadins and Johads
  • Uses of Khadins
  • Uses of Johads
  • Advantages of Khadins and Johads
  • Disadvantages of Khadins and Johads
  • Short Notes on Johads and Khadins (Class 10)

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What are Johads and Khadins


Attributes of Khadins

Khadins and Johads are age-old systems of rainwater harvesting primarily employed in India. These are some strategies used in ancient india (mostly) to save rainwater by making some structures on the ground so that water will be stored in them and can be utilized when there is an urgent need for water or water scarcity. Johads are usually constructed in low-lying areas where water can accumulate naturally. whereas Khadins, on the other hand, are rainwater harvesting structures built in Gujarat....

Attributes of Johads

Khadins are traditional barriers made of soil, usually constructed along the contours of agricultural fields. Their key features encompass:...

Examples of Khadins and Johads

Johads, referred to as village ponds or tankas, are another form of traditional rainwater harvesting practiced in India. Their salient attributes encompass:...

Difference between Johads and Khadins

1. Khadins...

Applications of Khadins and Johads

Difference between Johads and Khadins are following:...

Uses of Khadins

Both Khadins and Johads are leveraged as effective rainwater harvesting mechanisms, pivotal for securing water access for agriculture and allied purposes in water-scarce regions. The Applications of Khadins and Johads are the following:...

Uses of Johads

Rainwater Capture: Khadins adeptly accumulate rainwater runoff from agricultural fields, thwarting soil erosion and facilitating groundwater recharge. Irrigation: Stored water in Khadins serves as irrigation water during arid periods, extending the cultivation season and heightening agricultural productivity. Soil Moisture Management: Khadins effectively uphold soil moisture, mitigating excessive irrigation needs. Crop Diversity: Water availability from Khadins encourages crop diversification, contributing to food security and increased income....

Advantages of Khadins and Johads

Multi-Purpose Water Source: Johads emerge as dependable water reservoirs catering to various needs, including drinking, livestock, and household requirements in rural zones....

Disadvantages of Khadins and Johads

Integrating Khadins and Johads into contemporary water management strategies offers numerous advantages, particularly in regions confronting water scarcities:...

Khadins and Johads – FAQs

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