What are Like and Unlike Fractions?

Fractions with same denominators are known as like fractions whereas the fractions with different denominators are known as unlike fractions.

In other words, the fractions whose denominators are identical is termed as like fractions and the fractions whose denominators are not identical are termed as unlike fractions.

Like Fraction Definition

The fractions with the equal denominators are called like fractions. The two fractions p/q and r/s are said to be like fraction when the denominators q and s are equal (i.e. q = s).

Like Fraction Examples

Some examples of like fractions are:

  • 1/5 and 7/5 (denominators of both the fractions are equal so these fractions are like fractions)
  • 1/7, 6/7 and 3/7 (denominators of all the fractions are equal so these fractions are like fractions)

Examples of Like Fractions

Unlike Fraction Definition

The fractions with the unequal denominators are called unlike fractions. The two fractions p/q and r/s are said to be unlike fraction when the denominators, q and s are not equal ( i.e. q ≠ s).

Unlike Fraction Examples

Some examples of unlike fractions are:

  • 1/3 and 4/9 (denominators of both the fractions are not equal so these fractions are unlike fractions)
  • 1/2, 6/5 and 3/4 (denominators of all the fractions are not equal so these fractions are unlike fractions)

Examples of Unlike Fractions

Like and Unlike Fractions

Like and Unlike fractions are the two types of fractions based on the value of their denominators. In Like fractions, all the fractions have the same denominator. On the contrary, unlike fractions have different numbers in their denominators.

In this article, we will discuss about like and unlike fractions, their definitions and examples, arithmetic operations on like and unlike fractions, and conversion of unlike fractions to like fractions. We will also solve some examples related to like and unlike fractions.

Table of Content

  • What are Like and Unlike Fractions?
  • Conversion of Unlike Fractions to Like Fractions
  • Arithmetic Operations on Like and Unlike Fractions
  • Comparison of Like Fractions
  • Comparison of Unlike Fractions

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