What are Navigation Commands?

Navigation commands in Selenium WebDriver perform operations that involve navigating through web pages and controlling browser behavior. These commands provide an efficient way to manage a browser’s history and perform actions like going back and forward between pages and refreshing the current page.

The Navigation Command provides four methods: to(), back(), forward(), and refresh(). These methods allow the WebDriver to perform the following operations:

1. to() Command

Loads a new web page in the current browser window. It accepts a string parameter that specifies the URL of the web page to be loaded.

2. back() Command

Moves back one step in the browser’s history stack. It does not accept any parameters and does not return anything.

3. forward() Command

Moves forward one step in the browser’s history stack. It does not accept any parameters and does not return anything.

4. refresh() Command

Reloads the current web page in the browser window. It does not accept any parameters and does not return anything.

Selenium WebDriver – Navigation Commands

Selenium WebDriver is quite a popular open-source framework used for automating web browsers. It helps the developers to automate web-based operations and interactions by creating code in Java, Python, C#, and others. When automating tests, Selenium WebDriver offers a set of navigation commands that let you interact with and manage a web browser’s navigation. In this article, we will learn about the navigation commands in detail.

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