What are Permanent Magnets?

Permanent Magnets are objects that naturally produce a magnetic field. They can attract certain materials like iron and steel without needing an external influence. Unlike temporary magnets, which require exposure to a magnetic field to become magnetic, permanent magnets maintain their magnetic properties consistently over time. This permanent magnetic property in them is due to the aligned spin of the ferromagnetic material of which they are made up of.


Permanent Magnets Definition

A permanent magnet is a material or object that possesses inherent magnetic properties, allowing it to generate a magnetic field continuously without the need for an external power source.

This magnetic field enables the magnet to attract certain materials, such as iron or steel, and exert a force on them.

Permanent Magnet Examples

The examples of Permanent Magnets are mentioned below:

  • Refrigerator Magnets: The magnets used to attach notes and pictures to refrigerators are often permanent magnets.
  • Bar Magnets: Straight or bar-shaped magnets are simple examples of permanent magnets.
  • Horseshoe Magnets: These magnets are shaped like a horseshoe and are commonly used in various applications.
  • Alnico Magnets: Made from a combination of aluminum, nickel, and cobalt, these magnets are known for their strong magnetic properties.
  • Ferrite Magnets: These are often found in speakers, refrigerator door seals, and other household items.
  • Neodymium Magnets: Known for their strong magnetic field, neodymium magnets are used in various electronic devices and industrial applications.
  • Ceramic Magnets: Also called ferrite magnets, these are commonly used in motors, speakers, and other everyday devices.

Permanent Magnet

Permanent Magnets are materials that can create a magnetic field even if the magnetization force is removed. Unlike other magnets, it keeps its magnetic power all the time. They are made of hard ferromagnetic materials, for example, Ferrite and Alnico.

Distinguished by their natural capacity to generate a magnetic field, permanent magnets effortlessly attract materials such as iron and steel. In this article, we will learn what is Permanent Magnets, their properties, applications, advantages, and disadvantages. We will also learn what how a Permanent Magnet differ from Non Permanent Magnet and Electromagnet.

Table of Content

  • What are Permanent Magnets?
  • Properties of Permanent Magnet
  • Magnetic Behaviour of Permanent Magnet
  • Difference between Permanent Magnet and Electromagnet
  • What is Non-Permanent Magnet?
  • Permanent Magnets Applications

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