What are some examples and challenges of generative modeling?

However, generative modeling also faces many challenges and limitations, such as:



Training complexity

Generative models require significant computational resources and time.

Quality control

While they can produce vast amounts of data, ensuring the quality and realism of the generated content can be challenging.


Generative models may learn the data too well and produce outputs that are too similar to the original data or fail to generalize to new data.

Lack of interpretability

Generative models may not provide a clear explanation of how they generate the data, or what features or patterns they learn from the data.

Ethical concerns

Generative models may generate data that are harmful, misleading, or malicious, such as fake news, deepfakes, spam, or phishing.

Data dependency

Generative models may depend on the availability and quality of the data, and may not perform well on data that are scarce, imbalanced, or noisy.

Mode collapse

Generative models may produce only a few modes of the data distribution, and ignore the rest, resulting in a lack of diversity and variety in the outputs.

Generative Modeling in TensorFlow

Generative modeling is the process of learning the underlying structure of a dataset to generate new samples that mimic the distribution of the original data. The article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of generative modelling along with the implementation leveraging the TensorFlow framework.

Table of Content

  • What are generative models and how do they work?
  • What are the main types of generative models and how are they different?
  • How to use TensorFlow to build and train generative models?
  • Implementation Steps
  • How to evaluate and compare generative models ?
  • What are some examples and challenges of generative modeling ?
  • Example 1: Basic autoencoder
  • Example 2: Image denoising

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