What are Terms?

Terms of an algebraic expression are known as the components of the expression. An algebraic expression may be composed of one or more terms. A term of an expression may be a constant, a variable, a product of more than two variables (xy), or a product of a variable and a constant.

Coefficient Definition

A coefficient is an integer that is the constant which accompanies the variable. To summarise, a coefficient in an algebraic expression is considered the numerical factor of a term that is composed of constants and variables. Coefficients of the terms may be positive or negative.

They may be fractional in nature. For instance, in the term 2x, 2 is the coefficient for the variable x. The terms with no constant, that is with no numerical factor along with them have a unit coefficient. For instance, in the term z, +1 is the coefficient for the variable z. Similarly, we have, -5/2 as the coefficient of the term –5/2xy2

Constant Definition

Constant is the term in the algebraic expression which is constituted of only integers. These terms contain variable counterparts. These values are fixed in nature since there is no variable accompanying them.

Therefore, these terms have a fixed value throughout, since no change can occur in these. Terms may only be defined by constants. For instance, in the expression 7x2 + 3xy + 8, the constant term in this expression is 8.

Variable Definition

Variables are terms composed of undefined values, which may assume different integer values on substituting them with different integers.

A variable term can be composed of one or more variables, where the variables may or may not be the same. For example, we have, x3 which is a term composed of x raised to the power of 3, and xyz is composed of three different variables.

For instance, x3 can be 8 where the value of x = 2. 

Some of the examples of terms are: 

  • 12x: Constant term = 12; Variable term = x
  • 42a: Constant = 42; Variable = a
  • xy: Variables = x and y
  • 89: Constant = 89 
  • mn: Constant = 1; Variables = m and n

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Identifying Terms In an Algebraic Expression

Number of terms in an algebraic expression depends on how the expression is written and structured. In algebra, a term is a single mathematical expression that might be a number, a variable, or the product or quotient of numbers and variables. Terms are typically separated by “+” or “-” signs.

An algebraic expression is an expression composed of various components, such as variables, constants, coefficients, and arithmetic operations. These components form various parts of the algebraic expressions.

Table of Content

  • What is Algeabric Expression?
  • What are Terms?
    • Coefficient Definition
    • Constant Definition
    • Variable Definition

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