What are the 7 main chakras?

Muladhara Chakra – Root Chakra

  • Muladhara, or Root Chakra, is essential in Kundalini yoga and other spiritual practices.
  • Represents the beginning of spiritual development and is the foundation of the chakra system.
  • Located at the base of the spine; depicted as an elephant with seven trunks symbolizing prosperity, wisdom, and earth connection.
  • The seven trunks stand for essential body materials, minerals, and gems.
  • Associated with the Bija Mantra “LAM,” believed to activate spiritual energy and clear blockages.
  • Features a four-petaled lotus representing mind, intellect, consciousness, and ego.
  • Linked to Lord Shiva as Pashupati Mahadeva, symbolizing consciousness and liberation.
  • Contains the Shiva Lingam symbol, signifying creativity, consciousness, and the snake representing consciousness levels and time.
  • Connected to the sense of smell; its awakening enhances sensory perceptions.
  • Its red color signifies energy, vitality, and a strong earth connection.
  • Acts as a vital point for starting spiritual growth and establishing physical world grounding.

Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra

  • Svadhishthana Chakra, located between the sacrum and coccyx, above the Muladhara Chakra.
  • Represents the second phase of human evolution; associated with self-assurance, pleasure, and cleansing.
  • Its Color Symbolism is Orange which is indicative of its characteristics.
  • Governs the subconscious, dealing with emotions like rage and greed, and maintains balance in wakefulness and sleep.
  • Emotions originating from ego are necessary for survival but harmful if leading to self-interest and exploitation.
  • Element is Water, symbolizing flexibility and tenderness, along with challenges in self-control.
  • Animal Emblem is Crocodile, representing latent karma capable of explosive force.
  • Bija Mantra is ‘Vam’, used in meditation for energy balance.

Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Manipura Chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus or Navel Chakra, is located near the belly button.
  • Represents the element of Tejas (fire), crucial for body temperature balance.
  • Symbolizes a hearth, emphasizing the importance of digestion; food as the fuel for digestive fire.
  • Linked to the pancreas; its dislocation can affect the chakra’s balance.
  • Depicted as a ten-petalled lotus, each petal symbolizing one of the ten Pranas (energy vibrations) it governs.
  • Animal Symbol is the Ram, denoting the chakra’s fiery and dynamic nature.
  • Inverted Triangle Represents origin, growth, and development.
  • Associated with Vishnu and Lakshmi, signifying purified consciousness and wealth.
  • Radiates a yellow-orange hue, with green as its complementary color, reflecting purification and energy.
  • Bija Mantra: ‘Ram’, with an emphasis on ‘R’, to promote warmth and energy flow.

Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra

  • The Anahata or Heart Chakra is situated in the chest, symbolizing love and self-identity.
  • Described in the Chandogya Upanishad as a small shrine within a lotus, representing the Atma (true self) and divinity.
  • Resonates with the mantra SO HAM, aligning with the vibration of the universe.
  • Governed by Shiva and Shakti, symbolizing the balance of consciousness and its physical manifestation.
  • Susceptible to disruption by negative emotions like resentment.
  • Features a six-pointed star and a new moon, indicating the interplay of spirituality and emotion.
  • Color Association is Light blue, representing spirituality and unity.
  • Linked to the air element, Vāyu.
  • Bhakti (love and devotion) is central, with the mantra Yam highlighting liberation and moral values.
  • Acts as a portal to divine love and enlightenment, fostering a connection with one’s true self.

Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra

  • The Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra is located near the larynx and is crucial for physical and spiritual purification.
  • It is associated with Akasha (space), symbolizing growth and distribution potential.
  • Represented by a tranquil white elephant, indicating its serene nature.
  • Connected to the fire element of the Manipura Chakra, aiding in sound manifestation.
  • Plays a key role in the formation of speech and sound.
  • Violet in color, representing wisdom and spirituality.
  • Its lotus has 16 petals, each symbolizing one of the sixteen Siddhis or supernatural abilities.
  • The number of petals corresponds to the lunar cycle, highlighted by the half-moon symbol.
  • Features the Bija Mantra “HAM” for self-identification and “SO HAM” for self-awareness and unity with the universe.

Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra

  • Agya Chakra (Third Eye) symbolizes wisdom, linked with Lord Shiva.
  • Associated with the destruction of negativity and ignorance, leading to enlightenment.
  • Represents the chakra’s creative consciousness.
  • Illustrate the transition from darkness (GU) to light (RU), akin to a guru’s essence.
  • Mantras ‘Ham’ and ‘Ksham’: Represent sun and moon, masculine and feminine energies, and balance between consciousness and nature.
  • Significance for Yogis: Equated to KumbhaMela, a spiritual gathering. Marks the convergence of Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna energy channels.
  • Trikuti Tata: Represents three aspects – emptiness, consciousness, and bliss.
  • Mantra ‘OM’: Symbolizes creation’s original sound, the soul’s journey to infinity, and union with the divine. Represents the Supreme’s vibration present in all creation.

Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra

  • Sahastrara Chakra, also known as the Crown Chakra, is situated below the Fontanelle at the top of the head.
  • Often depicted as a thousand-petalled lotus, representing spiritual enlightenment and divine connection.
  • Associated with infinity, the divine, and concepts of Adi (without beginning) and Anadi (without end).
  • Represents the realm of pure consciousness, light, and the ultimate source of creation, akin to the essence of God.
  • Linked with AdiTattva or IshvaraTattva, symbolizing the foundational and limitless element of existence.
  • Adi Shiva, embodying bliss, consciousness, and liberation, is central to the Sahastrara Chakra, while Shakti, symbolizing energy, resides in the Muladhara Chakra at the spine’s base.
  • Highlights a dynamic contrast and attraction between the Crown and Root Chakras, symbolizing a spiritual journey from material existence to enlightenment.
  • The distance and tension between Sahastrara and Muladhara Chakras represent the journey from ignorance to clarity and spiritual awakening.

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How to activate 7 Chakras in Your Yoga Practice : Effects, Symbols

Seven Chakras in Yoga is an old form of discipline that has long embraced a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Since chakras are said to be energy centers inside the subtle body, this ancient tradition revolves around the concept of chakras.

In yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices, the chakras are essential. We will go into great detail about chakras in this post, including their function, history, importance, and many advantages of chakra balancing.

Let’s dive right in.

How to activate 7 Chakras in Your Yoga Practice

Table of Content

  • List of 7 Chakras in Yoga with Benefits
  • What are chakras?
  • History and the importance of chakras in yoga
  • Benefits of balancing the chakras in Yoga
  • What are the 7 main chakras?

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