What Are the Keyboard Shortcuts on Firefox Browser?

Here, we are going to enlist Different Firefox Browser Keyboard Shortcuts one by one. Let us start with the Keyboard Shortcuts needed in the Navigation.

Section 1: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Navigation


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Go Back to the webpage

Alt + Left Arrow

CMD + Left Arrow

Alt + Left Arrow

Go Forward to the webpage

Alt + Right Arrow

CMD + Right Arrow

Alt + Right Arrow

Go to the Home Page

Alt + Home

CMD + Home

Alt + Home

Open any File on the Browser

Ctrl + O


Ctrl + O

Reload the Webpage

Ctrl + R or F5


Ctrl + R or F5

Stop any execution on a webpage




Section 2: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Current Page


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Move Down in the Page

Page Down


Space Bar

Space Bar

Page Down


Space Bar

Go Up on the page

Page Up


Shift + Space Bar

Option + Space

Page Up


Shift + Space Bar

Go to the Bottom of the Page



Ctrl + Down Arrow

CMD + Down Arrow



Ctrl + Down Arrow

Move to the Top of the Page



Ctrl + Up Arrow

CMD + Home


CMD + Up Arrow



Ctrl + Up Arrow

Print the Current Page

Ctrl + P


Ctrl + P

Zoom In Function

Ctrl + Plus

CMD + Plus

Ctrl + Plus

Zoom Out Function

Ctrl + Minus

CMD + Minus

Ctrl + Minus

Reset the Zoom

Ctrl + 0

CMD + 0

Ctrl + 0

Section 3: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Editing


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Delete the Word on the Left Side

Ctrl + Backspace


Ctrl + Backspace

Delete the Word on the Right Side

Ctrl + Del

CMD + Delete

Ctrl + Del

Go to the Left Side of the Word

Ctrl + Left Arrow

CMD + Left Arrow

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Go to the Right Side of the Word

Ctrl + Right Arrow

CMD + Right Arrow

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Go to the Beginning of the Line

Ctrl + Up Arrow

CMD + Up Arrow

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Go to the End of the Line

Ctrl + Down Arrow

CMD + Down Arrow

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Go to the Beginning of Text

Ctrl + Home


Ctrl + Shift+ Home

Go to the End of Text

Ctrl + End


Ctrl + Shift + End

Paste any copied text as Plain

Ctrl + Shift + V

CMD + Option + V

Ctrl + Shift + V

Section 4: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Search


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Find any element in the Page

Ctrl + F


Ctrl + F

Find the same thing Again

Ctrl + G


Ctrl + G

Find the Previous Element in the Page

Ctrl + Shift + G

CMD + Option + G

Ctrl + Shift + G

Close the Find Page Tab




Quick Find with Address Bar

Key /

Key /

Key /

Change Default Search Engine

Ctrl + Down Arrow


Ctrl + Up Arrow

CMD + Down Arrow


CMD + Up Arrow

Ctrl + Down Arrow


Ctrl + Up Arrow

Switch Selected Search Engine

Alt + Up Arrow


Alt + Down Arrow

Option + Up Arrow


Option + Down Arrow

Alt + Up Arrow


Alt + Down Arrow

Section 5: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Windows & Tabs


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Close Opened Tab

Ctrl + W


Ctrl + W

Close any Firefox Windows

Ctrl + Shift + W

CMD + Option + W

Ctrl + Shift + W

Exit the Firefox

Alt + Shift + Q

Option + Option + Q

Alt + Shift + Q

Go to the Left Tab of the current one

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

CMD + Option + Tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Go to the Right Tab of the Current one

Ctrl + Tab

CMD + Tab

Ctrl + Tab

Go to the Last Opened Tab

Ctrl + 9

CMD + 9

Ctrl + 9

Move the Entire Tab to the Left

Ctrl + Shift + Page Up

CMD + Shift + Left Arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Page Up

Move the Entire Tab to the Right

Ctrl + Shift + Page Down

CMD + Shift + Right Arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Page Down

Move the Tab to the Start

Ctrl + Shift + Home

CMD + Shift + H

Ctrl + Shift + Home

Move the Tab to the End

Ctrl Shift + End

CMD Shift + E

Ctrl Shift + End

Mute or Unmute any Tab

Ctrl + M


Ctrl + M

Open New Tab

Ctrl + T


Ctrl + T

Open New Window

Ctrl + N


Ctrl + N

Opened New Private Window

Ctrl + P


Ctrl + P

Show all Opened Tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

CMD + Option + Tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Open the Last Closed Tab or Window

Ctrl + Shift + T

CMD + Option + Tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Section 6: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox History


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Open History Sidebar

Ctrl + H


Ctrl + H

Open Library History Window

Ctrl + Shift + H

CMD + Option + H

Ctrl + Shift + H

Clear all Recent History

Ctrl + Shift + Del

CMD + Option + Delete

Ctrl + Shift + Del

Section 7: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Bookmarks


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Bookmark all the Opened Tab

Ctrl + Shift + D

CMD + Shift + D

Ctrl + Shift + D

Bookmark only the Current Page

Ctrl + D


Ctrl + D

Bookmark the Sidebar

Ctrl + B


Ctrl + B

Show or Hide Bookmark Bar

Ctrl + Shift + B

CMD + Option + B

Ctrl + Shift + B

Show the Entire List of Bookmarks




Section 8: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Tools


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Open the Download Section

Ctrl + J


Ctrl + J

Open the Add-Ons Settings

Ctrl + Shift + A

CMD + Option + A

Ctrl + Shift + A

Open Developer Tools

Ctrl + Shift + I

Ctrl + Option + I

Ctrl + Shift + I

Open Web Console

Ctrl + Shift + K

CMD + Option + K

Ctrl + Shift + K

Open Inspector Settings of Firefox

Ctrl + Shift + C

CMD + Option + C

Ctrl + Shift + C

Take the Screenshot on Firefox

Ctrl + Shift + S

CMD + Shift + S

Ctrl + Shift + S

Open Task Manager

Shift + Esc

Option + Esc

Shift + Esc

Open Firefox Networks

Ctrl + Shift + E

CMD + Shift + E

Ctrl + Shift + E

Firefox Page Info

Ctrl + I


Ctrl + I

Section 9: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox as PDF Viewer


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Go to the Next Page

Key N, J, or Right Arrow

Key N or Right Arrow

Key N, J, or Right Arrow

Go to the Previous Page

Key P, K, or Left Arrow

Key P or Left Arrow

Key P, K, or Left Arrow

Rotate the Document in a Clockwise Direction

Key R

Key R

Key R

Rotate the Document in Anti-Clockwise Direction

Shift + R

Option + R

Shift + R

Open Presentation Mode

Ctrl + Alt + P

CMD + Shift + P

Ctrl + Alt + P

Focus on the Hand Mode

Key H

Key H

Key H

Focus on the Page Number Input Box

Ctrl + Alt + G

CMD + Alt + G

Ctrl + Alt + G

Section 10: Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox for Miscellaneous Purposes


Windows Shortcut Keys

MacOS Shortcut Keys

Linux Shortcut Keys

Get Full Address Details

Ctrl + Enter

CMD + Return

Ctrl + Enter

Open Full-Screen Mode

Key F11

Key F11

Key F11

Activate Menu Bar

Alt + F10

Option + F10

Alt + F10

Start the Reader Mode

Key F9

Key F9

Key F9

Used to Close A Menu

Key Esc


Alt, or F10


Key Esc


Alt, or F10

Open the Context Menu

Shift + F10

Option + F10

Shift + F10

So, these are the simple Keyboard Shortcuts for the Firefox Browser. According to the Latest Firefox Update & Version, these few Shortcuts on Keyboards are present on Web Browser. However, there is a high chance that in the future with the latest Firefox Updates, there will be more Firefox Shortcuts on Keyboards.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox

While working or surfing on the internet on different Web Browsers, no doubt we have to use many different operations to complete our job. We often open Bookmarks on the Browser Check the History or open the last visited tab. We have to perform a series of clicks for all of these tasks. However, these can be done with Simple Keyboard Shortcut on Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox comes up with a big list of Keyboard Shortcuts that can be performed to open any tool or operation within a fraction of the time. And to open such tasks or toolbars, we don’t need to follow a specific path in the Mozilla Firefox Settings. Navigation to Editing, Searching, etc. are covered under the Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts.

This article is intended to discuss the Different Keyboard Shortcuts on Firefox for different purposes to reduce the time consumption of any work.

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