What are the limitations of Kubernetes Secrets?

  1. Base64 Encoding: Base64-encoded strings are employed to hold secrets; nevertheless, this sort of encryption is not really secure and is frequently broken.
  2. Encryption at Rest: Secrets encryption at rest need to be manually enabled and is not enabled by convention.
  3. Access Control Complexity: Using RBAC to handle fine-grained access control can be challenging and prone to blunders.
  4. Memory Storage: The nodes’ memory includes secrets that could be available in the event if a node is compromised.
  5. No Versioning: Versioning is not fully enabled in Kubernetes Secrets, making it more difficult to trace changes and roll things back when needed.

How to Manage Kubernetes Secrets ?How Secure are Kubernetes Secrets?

Most applications deployed through Kubernetes require access to databases, services, and other resources located externally. The easiest way to manage the login information necessary to access those resources is by using Kubernetes secrets. Secrets help organize and distribute sensitive information across a cluster.

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What are the limitations of Kubernetes Secrets?

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Kubernetes Secrets – FAQ’s

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