What does NAICS stand for?

NAICS stands for the “North American Industry Classification System.”

What is NAICS 541511: Custom Computer Programming Services

NAICS 541511 refers to a specific industry code in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) used to categorize businesses engaged in Custom Computer Programming Services and Software Development. This code is an important classification system in the United States, Canada, and Mexico for various statistical and regulatory purposes.

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What does NAICS stand for?

NAICS stands for the “North American Industry Classification System.”...

What do you mean by NAICS?

NAICS is a standardized system for classifying businesses and industries into categories based on their primary economic activity. It is designed to provide a common classification system across North America to facilitate data collection, analysis, and reporting....


Data Collection: NAICS codes are used by government agencies, including the U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Internal Revenue Service, to collect and organize economic data. This data is used for economic analysis, policy development, and resource allocation. Business Classification: Businesses are required to report their NAICS codes on various government forms, including tax returns and surveys. This classification ensures that businesses are properly categorized for regulatory purposes. Comparative Analysis: NAICS codes make it easier to compare and benchmark businesses and industries. Researchers, investors, and policymakers use these codes to assess the performance and characteristics of different sectors. Resource Allocation: Government agencies use NAICS codes to determine where resources should be allocated. For example, they help decide where to focus workforce development programs, business incentives, or economic development initiatives. Market Research: Businesses use NAICS codes to conduct market research, identify competitors, and assess market trends. It helps them understand the size and growth potential of specific industries....

Key Aspects of NAICS 541511

Key aspects of NAICS 541511 include:...

Purpose of NAICS 541511

Here are the primary purposes of NAICS 541511, each with a detailed explanation:...

Business examples

Most common business activites within NAICS 541511 – Custom Computer Programming Services are as follows:...


NAICS is a vital classification system that helps standardize the categorization of businesses based on their primary economic activities. NAICS codes like 541511 are essential for economic analysis, government regulation, and market research, making it a valuable tool for various stakeholders in North America. Businesses should carefully select the most appropriate NAICS code to ensure accurate classification....