What Happened to Local Schools Under British Rule?

Numerous pathshalas had existed in India prior to British control. The count was around 100,000 pathshalas and each of them had around 20 or fewer students. There were no separate courses and all forms of instruction were given in the oral format. The income of the parents would usually determine the fees of pathshala.

The Britishers decided to reform the pathshalas in 1854 and to raise the teaching standards of the pathshalas. Proper schedules, textbook teaching, and production of reports were brought into the fold for the gurus. Regularising classes pay set fees and passing exams were made part of the rules. Government grants were provided for pathshalas which agreed to follow the regulations implemented by the British. Many children were adversely affected by the regulations brought in, as it didn’t suit their schedule and fees came to be expensive for them.

CBSE Class 8 History Chapter 7 – Civilising the Native, Educating the Nation

Indian education was examined both historically and sociologically during British colonization. It is worth noting that British colonial authorities implemented policies and initiatives aimed at “civilizing” Indians, such as the founding of new schools and the reformation of old ones.

William Adam was the first one to come up with his report in 1813. British introduced a more logic-based system of education which helped people to develop thinking capacities and elimination of problems in Indian society. Around this time, the Indian nationalist movement arose, asking for better access to education for Indians. The British colonial authorities were hostile to these nationalist initiatives to keep control over Indian education.


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FAQs on Local Schools

Question 1: What was the Charter Act of 1813?...