What is ‘ ObjectDoesNotExist’ ?

The ‘ObjectDoesNotExist’ exception is a standard exception in Django, residing within the ‘Django.core.exceptions’ module. It is triggered when a query, intended to retrieve a single object using the get() method, fails to locate any records that match the specified criteria. This exception serves as a mechanism for handling scenarios where the developer anticipates the existence of a single object but must gracefully manage situations where it is not found.



To understand this error in detail. I have created a small project Library. Inside the Library I have created a book model and API to get the book by title.

ObjectDoesNotExist Error in Django

In this article we will discuss How to fix ‘ObjectDoesNotExist’, Django, a powerful web framework for Python, simplifies the process of building web applications. However, developers often encounter the ‘ObjectDoesNotExist’ exception, which arises when a query, executed through the get() method, fails to find any matching records. In this article, we will delve into the details of this exception and explore strategies to effectively handle it in Django applications.

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What is ‘ ObjectDoesNotExist’ ?

The ‘ObjectDoesNotExist’ exception is a standard exception in Django, residing within the ‘Django.core.exceptions’ module. It is triggered when a query, intended to retrieve a single object using the get() method, fails to locate any records that match the specified criteria. This exception serves as a mechanism for handling scenarios where the developer anticipates the existence of a single object but must gracefully manage situations where it is not found....

When does the ‘ObjectDoesNotExist’ error occur?

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