What is a Recursive Function?

A recursive function is a function that defines each term of a sequence using the previous term i.e., The next term is dependent on one or more known previous terms. Recursive function h(x) is written as,

h(x) = a0h(0) + a1h(1) + a2h(2) + … + ax – 1h(x – 1)

where, ai ≥ 0 and i = 0, 1, 2, 3, … ,(x – 1)

The recursion formulas are the formulas that are used to write the recursive functions or recursive series.

Recursive Function Meaning

In mathematics, a recursive function refers to a function that defines each term of a sequence using the previous term or terms. In simpler terms, it’s a way of defining a sequence where each step relies on the previous one.

Read in Detail: Recursive Functions

Recursive Formula

Recursive Formula: Recursion can be defined by two properties. A Base Case and Recursion Step. The base case is a terminating scenario that doesn’t use recursion to produce results. The recursion step consists of a set of rules that reduces the successive cases to forward the base case.

A recursion or recursive formula is a formula that is used to tell us the next step in any recursion series. In a recursive series, each next term is dependent on the previous one or two terms. In this article, we will learn about, Recursive Formulas or Recursion Formulas, Examples, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Recursive Function?
  • Recursive Formula
  • Recursive Formulas For Sequences
  • Recursive Formula for Arithmetic Progression
  • Recursive Formula for Geometric Progression
  • Recursive Formula for Fibonacci Series
  • Useful Sequence And Formulas
  • Examples Using Recursive Formula
  • Practice Question on Recursive Formula

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