What is a Static Site?

A website that has fixed content (content that does not change) unless manually added, removed, or updated by someone, is considered a static site. In most of the cases, websites related to blogs and documentation are static sites.


We must have watched YouTube’s website. what do you think, is it a static site or not? it is not a static site since the content can be changed by uploading your video. These websites like YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn, are called Dynamic sites. Have you heard of Bootstrap, if you are a web developer, chances are that you might have heard about it. The Bootstrap’s blog website is written in Hugo and it’s a static website.

static site is a type of website that consists of web pages with fixed content that does not change unless manually edited and updated by a developer or content creator. In a static site, the content is pre-generated and stored as HTML, CSS, and possibly JavaScript files, which are served directly to users’ web browsers when they visit the site.

Hugo builds pages when a developer or content writer creates, removes, or updates the content unlike technologies like React which dynamically builds a page with each visitor request. Therefore, Hugo is called a static site generator.

Static Site Generation with Hugo

Hugo is a fast and modern static site generator written in Golang. Hugo is the world’s fastest static site generator, wondering what a static site generator is? will explain it in the Third paragraph, till then let’s discuss Hugo. Hugo is primarily written in Golang, But you don’t need to know Golang to work in Hugo. Website generation in Hugo is very simple and straightforward, only prerequisites are HTML and CSS. It was created by Bjørn Erik Pedersen, also known as “bep,” its first release was on July 17, 2013.

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