What is a URL Shortener?

A URL shortener is a tool that helps in creating unique and short URL which redirects you to the main website. These tools help in making complicated URLs shorter and simpler. It redirects you to the exact page for which you have shortened the link. 

Importance of URL Shortening Tools:

These are a few important aspects of using URL-shortening tools:

  • Helps in keeping the URL short and trustworthy 
  • Supports in creating custom-branded URLs
  • Provides a quick reference for making easy-to-read links
  • Helps in tracking the performances of the newly created links
  • Helps in the customization of content based on specific information
  • By shortening the links you can also get into the character limit on social media

12 Best URL Shorteners for 2023

Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to managing URLs on your website? Well, the good news is that there are now several tools available online, known as URL shorteners, which can help make this easy. These tools can take long and unwieldy links and turn them into much more manageable versions – perfect for sharing across different digital channels. But with all the options available these days, how do you select the best URL shortener for your needs in 2023? 

In this article, we’ll explore exactly that; taking a close look at the 12 best URL shorteners that are currently available so that you can decide which one works best for you!


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A URL shortener is a tool that helps in creating unique and short URL which redirects you to the main website. These tools help in making complicated URLs shorter and simpler. It redirects you to the exact page for which you have shortened the link....

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