What is AI Image Generation?

An AI image generator also termed a generative model utilizes a trained ANN (Artificial Neural Network) i.e., modeled to biological neural networks to generate images from scratch. These trained ANNs can generate realistic images based on the textual input provided by the user. But they have some remarkable capabilities like fusing styles, concepts, and attributes to contextually related images. and That is availed via using a Generative AI.

An AI Image Generator that we are using is trained on a vast amount of data consisting of texts and corresponding images. Throughout the training process, the model learns various aspects, characteristics, and patterns in the images provided in the dataset. After completion of training of the model, the Model becomes capable of generating new images that have similar design, style, or content that was there in the training data.

There are various AI Image Generation Models that have their capabilities and use different kinds of technologies to generate text from images.

Notably, there are four technologies for Image Generation:

  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Neural Style Transfer (NST)
  • Diffusion Models
  • Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

But before using any of the above-mentioned technologies Image Generation model uses an NLP Model to understand the text prompts provided by the user to translate it into a machine-friendly language i.e., numerical representations or embeddings.

The NLP model encodes the prompt text into a numerical format that captures the various elements mentioned in the prompt and the relationship among them. This model will create a rulebook for image generation on how the components mentioned in the prompt will be incorporated and interact with each other.

After the completion of the NLP model’s task, these Image Generation models come into action. Let’s discuss how different algorithms are used for image generation.

How does an AI Model generate Images?

We all are living in an era of Artificial Intelligence and have felt its impact. There are numerous AI tools for various purposes ranging from Text Generation to image Generation to Video Generation to many more things. You must have used text-to-image models like Dall-E3, Stable Diffusion, MidJourney, etc. And it might be that you’re fascinated with their image-generation capabilities as they can generate realistic images of non-existent objects or can enhance existing images. They can convert your imagination into an image in a matter of seconds. But how?

In this article, we are going to explore how all these TTM models have this kind of imagination that can generate images that they’ve never seen.

How does an AI generate images?

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