What is an Arduino Board?

Here is an overview of the whole Arduino board. Anybody who has worked on Arduino will know that is a small board consisting of multiple components like ICs, and USB which are interconnected to form a whole connection. Here is a list of all the components

Arduino Board

  • Analog Reference pin
  • Digital Ground
  • Digital Pins 2-13
  • Digital Pins 0-1/Serial In/Out – TX/RX
  • Reset Button – S1
  • In-circuit Serial Programmer
  • ICSP pin
  • Analog In Pins 0-5
  • Power and Ground Pins
  • External Power Supply In (9-12VDC) – X1
  • Toggles External Power and USB Power- SV1
  • USB (universal serial bus)
  • Crystal Oscillator

Overview of the Arduino UNO Components

Arduino is an incredibly important part of modern-day electronics. The ease with which these Arduino boards can be programmed makes them the best choice especially when it comes to integrating them with large-scale projects. In this article, we will get an overview of the basic components that make up an Arduino board. This will include talking about the brain of the Arduino i.e. the microcontroller, the pins, and the power supplies.

Table of Content

  • Arduino Board
  • Microcontrollers
  • Communication Interface
  • Digital Pins
  • Analog Pins
  • Power Pins
  • Other Pins
  • Crystal Oscillator
  • Applications

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Communication Interface

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Digital Pins

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Analog Pins

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Power Pins

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Other Pins

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Crystal Oscillator

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Applications of Arduino

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We have seen how Arduino is made of various components that control the entire working of Arduino. These components are connected to coordinate all the tasks and ensure the Arduino can work as required. Apart from the microcontroller, which is the Braun of the Arduino, we studied various components like the pins and the oscillators. It is important to know the different components that make the hardware and software parts work together. Readers are advised to refer to the frequently asked questions in case of any doubts....

Arduino UNO Components – FAQs

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