What is an Electric Charge?

Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of electric charges: positive and negative. Like charges repel each other, while opposite charges attract.

Electric Charge Definition

Electric charge is a basic attribute of subatomic particles that leads to forces acting on them within electric and magnetic fields. These fields impact charged particles, producing measurable effects.

Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field is the region around a charge in which another charge experiences an attractive or repulsive force. Electric Field is an important concept in the study of electrostatics which is the branch of physics. Electric Field despite its invisible nature, powers our homes with electricity, transportation system, as well as advancements in communication. Other than these roles, the electric field is also the driving force behind electric motors, propelling vehicles and machinery with remarkable efficiency. In this article, we will learn about Electric Field in detail, which helps us perform many daily activities with ease.

Table of Content

  • What is Electric Field?
  • What is an Electric Charge?
  • Electric Field Strength
  • Types of Electric Charge
  • Unit of Electric Field Strength
  • Coulomb’s Law
  • Representation of Electric Fields
  • Electric Field Due to Point Charges
  • Electric Field Due to Continuous Charge Distributions
  • Electric Field Due to Uniformly Charged Line
  • Electric Field Due to Uniformly Charged Ring
  • Electric Field Due to Uniformly Charged Disk
  • Electric Field Due to Uniformly Charged Sphere
  • Methods of Charging
  • Properties of Electric Charge
  • Sample Problems on Electric Field

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Electric Field – FAQs

Define Electric Field....