What is an Employment Gap?

This is a period of time in someone’s professional career when the person is not formally employed for a few months or years. Employment gaps can be a concern if the reason for that is unexplainable or you do not have any specific reason for that gap. There can be numerous reasons for a person to have an employment gap such as health issues, moving to a new location, maternity leave, sick family members, being laid off or fired, etc.

And you need to know – if you’re mentioning such gaps in your resume then there is almost a 100% chance that you’ll be asked the questions related to it in the interview. But the point is, instead of hiding these details in your resume or getting uncomfortable in front of the interviewer when the discussion of your employment gap starts, you should prepare yourself beforehand to tackle this question confidently. 

If you’ve taken some time away from your career to go for further education, to spend some time with your family, to work on your ideas, or for any other reason – then there’s nothing wrong with it.

All you will require is a proper explanation to demonstrate your employment gap reason to the interviewer!!

How To Explain Employment Gaps in an Interview?

Many individuals have some sort of employment gap in their respective professional careers due to various personal or professional reasons. In fact, in today’s times, we’re seeing many college students who take some time after their graduation or post-graduation in entering the workforce. 


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What is an Employment Gap?

This is a period of time in someone’s professional career when the person is not formally employed for a few months or years. Employment gaps can be a concern if the reason for that is unexplainable or you do not have any specific reason for that gap. There can be numerous reasons for a person to have an employment gap such as health issues, moving to a new location, maternity leave, sick family members, being laid off or fired, etc....

How to Explain Employment Gaps?

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So, this is the way you can tackle the employment gap-related question in the interview confidently. And again, do remember that having an employment gap is not a big deal if you have a valid and genuine reason behind it!!...