What is APAAR?

The Ministry of Education and the Government of India have launched the APAAR ID, or One Nation, One Student ID Card. It will be extremely beneficial to all students since their whole academic data, including degrees, scholarships, rewards, and other credits, will be transmitted electronically in their APAAR ID. If you have enrolled in a school or college, you have to first finish the One Nation One ID Registration at abc.gov.in before downloading the APAAR ID PDF from the official website. All students are welcome to join in this project and finish the ABC Bank Membership on the official site.

APAAR stands for Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry.

Table of Content

  • What Is APAAR ID for Students?
  • How to Register for APAAR ID Online?
  • How to Download APAAR ID Card?
  • Benefits of APAAR ID Card
  • Challenges and Concerns of APAAR ID Card
  • FAQs on APAAR ID

APAAR ID Card : A Complete Guide

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What is APAAR?

The Ministry of Education and the Government of India have launched the APAAR ID, or One Nation, One Student ID Card. It will be extremely beneficial to all students since their whole academic data, including degrees, scholarships, rewards, and other credits, will be transmitted electronically in their APAAR ID. If you have enrolled in a school or college, you have to first finish the One Nation One ID Registration at abc.gov.in before downloading the APAAR ID PDF from the official website. All students are welcome to join in this project and finish the ABC Bank Membership on the official site....

What Is APAAR ID for Students?

As part of the National Education Policy, the Indian government intends to implement a unique identity number called ‘Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR)’ for school students. The APAAR ID will be used to track students’ academic progress and achievements....

How to Register for APAAR ID Online?

First of all you should have a Digilocker account. In case you don’t have a Digilocker account, follow the following steps :...

How to Download APAAR ID Card?

Following the detailed discussion in the National Education Policy (NEP), the Academic Bank of Credits was established. Every student can register for the ABC Card and use its benefits through this site. The steps below describe how to get the ABC Card PDF. After obtaining the APAAR Card PDF from abc.gov.in, double-check the information on it, including name, APAAR ID, QR code, and more. Hundreds of institutions and two crore students have already enrolled for the ABC Card or APAAR ID Card online. As stated above, after registration, after you submit the form, your APAAR ID Card will be generated. Then you can download it from the internet....

Benefits of APAAR ID Card

1. Permanent Account Number: The APAAR ID card provides students with a permanent identification number that allows them to easily track their academic growth and accomplishments....

Challenges and Concerns of APAAR ID Card

1. Data Breach: Many individuals have expressed worries about the One Nation One Student ID enrollment procedure because to ongoing concerns about Aadhaar’s data security and multiple instances of data leaks....


1. How is APAAR helpful?...