What is Autoscaling?

Autoscaling means automatically adjusting the resources and virtual servers based on the amount of traffic the application receives. It is one of the key features provided by Kubernetes. In Kubernetes, the number of pods will automatically scale up or down based on traffic. The key goal of autoscaling is to handle a large number of requests while maintaining cost efficiency.

There are two types of autoscaling:

Horizontal Autoscaling: Horizontal autoscaling means creating multiple types of virtual servers or pods to handle large requests. Here, the overall traffic is distributed over the different pods or virtual servers. Horizontal autoscaling requires high maintenance, but it will also provide zero downtime. It has high performance and a high cost, too.

Vertical Autoscaling: Vertical Autoscaling is to adjust the capacity like CPU, memory, or storage. Here the single node handles all the requests. Vertical autoscaling provides a low performance. It also costs less. It faces a high risk of entire system failure as only one node is used. Also vertical autoscaling does not guarantee to give zero downtime.

Implementing Autoscaling In Amazon EKS

Amazon EKS is a managed Kubernetes service, whereas autoscaling is a key feature of Kubernetes, where the number of pods will automatically scale up or scale down based on the traffic the application receives. In this guide, I have first discussed what Amazon EKS is. Then I discussed the autoscaling feature. After this, I have walked you through the different steps to implement autoscaling on an Amazon EKS cluster.

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